Unlimited Resources
I've been debating on how to use this blog. There are several things that I'd like to write about. Organizing them into a comprehendible thought pattern is another issue entirely. On my facebook page, a couple of months ago I listed 3 things that I should do while Derick is gone. 1. Write a book. 2. Run an Iron Man Triathlon. 3. Sell our house and move to Tremont. (I think that was the 3rd thing.) Of course it would also be nice to add: 4. Expand my hair and makeup business Well, whether or not I accually accomplish any of those things, I'd still like to keep a journal of anything that comes close to applying to those 4 categories. All of these things have crossed my mind. And of course, Derick has encouraged me in all of these things, because he is a wonderful, amazing, encouraging husband. But the idea of doing them is really daunting! I can't even say "especially #..." because each of them paralyze...