
Showing posts from June, 2014

Use Your Talents (AKA I'm a Terrible Housekeeper)

There are people coming to my house today.  People coming to do an assessment, of sorts.  They are going to tell me what needs to be done in order to sell my house.  And then report their findings back to the church.   I mentioned a couple of days ago that my church has been very supportive of my family since Derick left.  We were proactive about making our needs known before this deployment.  The last time Derick was deployed, I was extremely lonely and depressed.  It was a combination of postpartum emotions, deployment emotions, and then spending all of the holidays alone with very little kids.  Not something I ever care to repeat.  So, before Derick left, we went to talk to one of the pastors and just explained to him what life is like for the family of a deployed service member, and how the church could help.   They have really stepped up to the plate!  I thank God every Sunday for our church.  My kids sometimes whine about...

A [Father's] Day in the Life of a Navy Seabee Wife

What a day!!  I can't say I'm sad it's over!  Happy Father's Day, Derick!  I hope you enjoyed FaceTime as much as I did!  And I hope you enjoyed "sitting with me" in church!  I look forward to that every Sunday! So this morning started with a series of emails and texts. (Actually that all started yesterday). Trying to find out who was riding their bike this afternoon at church. And trying to find a babysitter so that I could ride, too.  Since today was Father's Day, I struck out on the sitter.   I missed Derick so much this morning, getting ready for church.  I almost didn't want to go to church at all, but we made it.  My sister came over, just long enough for me to braid her hair this morning. And I cried on her shoulder for a few minutes.   When Derick first left, I used to tell my kids, our church wants to support us while Dad is gone.  So we're gonna go to church and we're gonna let them.  And they have, in so many ways!...

Th Ring, the Bracelet and the Coffee Mug

My Navy Wife coffee mug broke this morning.  I suppose it was my fault.  I didn't want to get off the couch so I asked Aida to fill my cup for me.  Groggy, sleepy Aida.   As soon as she walked to the kitchen I heard the cup fall to the floor.  I just sat there for a minute because I knew what happened.  My newest addition to my Navy mug collection, now with no handle.  In the trash.  And to add insult to injury, last night while trying on clothes at Kohl's, I noticed that my black Navy bracelet is missing from my arm.  The bracelet that my sister-in-law got me for Christmas, to wear while Derick is away.   I've lost a little weight since Derick left.  And I think it's all coming off of my upper body.  Including my wrists.   I think I lost the bracelet at Culver's. I took my kids my kids there for an early dinner.  Because, I was feeling lazy about cooking.  Aida was cold.  Of course, trying to be the good mo...

I Have Survived!

We did it!   We survived!   The 2013-2014 school year is officially in the books and all of my kids passed!   This year was the start of something new.  A totally new school.  The last thing I wanted to do when I knew Derick would be leaving in January.   But we made it!   It was a relatively calm school year, actually.  All three of the kids stopped going to the local Christian school and started in our public school district.  Christian technically went from being a middle school student, back to being an elementary school student, because of the way the grades are arranged.  Allyn switched teachers (away from his cousin and classmate) halfway through the first semester when a new kindergarten teacher was hired.  And Aida... well, she excelled, except when she would get teary from missing her daddy.   Last summer, I came to the realization that we could not afford private school anymore.  If I'm ...