Lizzy, The Dog
So, do you wanna know what my biggest source of struggles is during this deployment? Well, if you read they title, you can probably guess that its the newest addition to our family, Lizzy the dog. The trouble is not that she is a bad dog, not that she's mean, not even that she's ugly. She's a boxer. So on the contrary, she's a very sweet, smart, beautiful dog. And for the most part, she loves ME. The problem is that I don't love her back. I feel almost un-American for saying such a thing.
I am not a dog person.
Really, in all honesty, I'm not a pet person. I grew up around a farm, where animals belong outside.
The thing is, my husband loves her. And I love my husband. Sometimes, I think that taking care of his dog is one of the most sacrifical ways I can love him right now.
Here's my dilemma... I don't know what to do with her.
Just when I think she's potty trained, she poops and pees in the house.
Just when I think she has enough toys, she chews up my pin cushion. (Kinda afraid she's gonna get a pin stuck in her mouth. Yikes!)
Just when I get her trained to stay in her kennel when I have a client here, she becomes an escape artist.
And heaven forbid any of the kids open the door when she's standing near. I have yelled at all of my family, immediate and extended, and some other people too, "DON'T LET THE DOG OUT!!" And, "Whoever lets her out, has to go chase her and bring her back, cuz I'm not doing it again!"
Three things I want my dog to do... well, 4 maybe.
1. I want her to poop and pee everytime I take her outside. I'm tired of playing guess when the dog has to go!
2. I want her to come when I call her. I can't chase her for 30 minutes everytime someone opens the dang door!!
3. I want her to stay in her kennel when she needs to. Which, in all honesty, is not really that much since I'm home all the time!
4. How in tarnation do I get her to stop jumping on my clients?!
The long winter hasn't helped. Everyone in my house has cabin fever, especially the dog.
Maybe I should just assign Christian the task of taking care of the dog. This is his dog for the next year. She is his responsibility. He needs to own it (or her)! I can't do it. I don't have time to add that to my already overdue list of things I need to get done! Feed her, walk her, take her to go poop! I potty trained 4 kids... as early as humanly possible because I hate diapers and poop so, so, so much!!
Anyway, I haven't asked for comments in the past. But if any dog-lovers out there have suggestions, I'm all ears!
Here's a shot of Christian and the dog, (also know as Lizzy). Because every dog should have a boy!
I'm not a pet person either. I grew up, where animals stay outside and all of them had a job. Cats= mice killers and eaters, Dogs= protectors, Sheep and cows= food and hide givers, Horses= for getting around. Inside anything is a no no. I have no suggestions other than to grab a dog book and learns how to be the Alpha in this dogs life.