Look Who's Back!

Look who's home!  

And look who's excited about it!  

She's been here less than a day, but I can tell she's glad to be back!  She hardly left my side yesterday.  And been very obedient!  When she did get out, instead of making us chase her for half an hour, she just did a couple of laps and then came back in the house. 

Really!? That's all ya got? 

Well, all right, then...

This is still a struggle for me.  It's no secret that I don't like dogs.  But she is rather endearing on her good days.  She is more like a child than I ever expected a dog to be.  She knows how to get on my good side, so that on the bad days, I don't totally wanna kill her!  

I don't expect the extreme obedience to last forever.  But it was sure nice yesterday.  Especially when she went back in the house on her own!  It like when your child says, "I'm sorry mom! Whatever I did, I won't do it again! I'll be good, I promise!"  And then they're nice to you for a week or so, before the old habits start again.  

The trouble is, I can talk to my kids about their bad habits and terrible attitudes.  But, I'm really not sure how to train a dog.  

I think with Derick's absence so fresh (and the weather so stinking cold), it was really hard for me to think about taking care of an animal.  Who am I kidding??  It's still hard for me to think about taking care of an animal!  But at least now it's not -20 outside! 

* I bought a wireless fence for her yesterday.  

* I put her kennel in the basement so she could have her own space, away from the chaos of everyday living.  

* I have resigned myself to taking her for walks/runs everyday.  (I just have to work myself up to it.  This morning it didn't happen.  Maybe after school I'll do that.)  

* I know I need to take her to obedience classes.  

* And if I go away for a day or so, I need to board her.  Skip the "find someone to take care of her" garbage.

Am I missing anything?  

Oh, the woes of being a dog owner and knowing nothing about dogs... 


I love you, Derick!


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