Cycling and Seabees

I had a photoshoot a few nights ago.  My good friends Jeremy and Kristie Sparling have a photography business in Peoria, called Image Innovations or Imagei. Jeremy has been shooting in the studio for over 20 years.  And he always does a fantastic job.

Derick and I love cycling.  We love cycling *together*.  We can ride for miles at a time, getting exercise and spending real quality time together.  Unlike running, we can talk for 90% of a bike ride.  During a run we probably talk about 30% of the time.  We love to be active together!  And biking is our favorite! 

My church sponsors a fun ride every summer.  (I use the term fun loosely.)  It used to be from church to church camp.  But church camp is no longer within riding distance, at least not a 3 1/2 day distance.  Now it is from church to Lake Michigan.  Northfield Christian Fellowship in Tremont, IL to Warren Dunes State Park in Michigan, to be exact.  3 1/2 days.  300 miles.  

The beauty of this trip is that it is a ride that literally anyone can do.  Yes, it takes training.  Yes, it's work.  Yes, it's exhausting!  But it is exhilarating to ride that far on a bicycle and arrive at a real destination!  The sense of accomplishment is beautiful! 

There are all kinds of people that ride with us each year.  People that are die hard cyclists, riding 1,000+ miles every year.  People that ride every summer but only enough for the Bike Trip.  I even heard that one year someone signed up for the trip that didn't know how to ride a bike.  He was taught to ride and completed the trip.  Our church even has bikes to rent for people who just want to try it out!

When I first told Derick that I would ride on this trip with him, we were still dating.  (Ahh... Puppy love.).  And, it had probably been almost 15 years since I had straddled a bike!  My first ride was three and a half years later.  And it did not feel good!  I'm sure I wondered what I had gotten myself into!  But, my husband loves riding and I love my husband... So I pressed on.  

My first Bike Trip to camp was while Derick was in boot camp.  It was good for me!  I was forced to come out of my shell.  I had to make new friends and talk to people I didn't know as I rode along.  If I needed help, I had to ask for it, rather than expecting help from Derick.  

My second Bike Trip, I rode with my husband all but 10 miles.  

Very romantic... especially the aching back sides!

This year will be my fifth trip.  I am excited to go again!  We leave in 11 days.  But, it's hard not to wish Derick could come too.  I miss riding next to him.  I miss teasing and laughing with each other as we ride.  And on the trip, I'm sure I'll miss his masculine strength, to pitch our tent and keep my bike in tune! 

So with all of that in mind, I had a photoshoot with my bike few nights ago. A photoshoot for Derick.  I was so pleased with the results that I needed to share them.

Thanks, Jeremy!  

At the same time I've been training for my ride, Derick has been busy too.  He earned his Seabee Combat Warfare Device.  These are pictures of his Commanding Officer pinning him during their awards ceremony a few weeks ago.  Congratulations, Derick! 

(By the way, these are just snapshots.  No pros were available that day.)

So that's my life lately... and Derick's. Well, as much of Derick's life that he's allowed to tell me.  Everything is top secret.  But, that's ok.  I don't need to know.

Jeremy is actually an excellent fashion photographer.  I often work with him, doing hair and makeup for his photoshoots.  If you are ever in need of our services, you can find his website and contact info at 


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